• software
  • Great program –as always.
    Colin J. Dunnigan, New City

$699 Full Version

Includes most recent version of MatMaster software, updates for the first quarter and the MatLaw Library.

$149 Additional Licenses

Additional Licenses are available for other practitioners in your firm.


From initial intake to the final judgement, you can now improve the quality of your work, productivity, reduce overhead, and your bottom line of profitability with Tips-MatMaster, New York’s premier family law software.

Automatic assembly of 250+ customizable practice documents

Once initial intake is completed, the data is automatically carried into our inventory of practice forms

Fast preparation of financial statements

Enter asset and debt information into a fast, easy-to-use entry form, and the software does the rest, compiling, revising and updating your net worth statement in seconds. You can compile your Statement of Proposed Disposition the same way, with no data re-entry required.

Instant access to MatLaw legal library with over 50,000 case note annotations, statutory provisions and relevant court rules

TIPS-MatMaster Family Law Software users have instant access to our highly acclaimed legal library.

Let’s take a look

  • 1_SliderMIL
  • 2_SliderNetWorth
  • 3_Maintenence3
  • 4_PropertyCalc
  • 5_ChildSupport
  • 6_Library
  • Master Information List

  • Statement of Net Worth

  • Maintainence

  • Property Calc

  • Child Support

  • Annotation Library

Software Features

  • Automatic assembly of more then 250 customizable practice documents

    Tips MatMaster makes it easy! You can now produce all of the documents associated with Family Law practice in a fraction of the time – while insuring the very highest of standards of professional quality. Once a client intake information is entered, TIPS MatMaster will automatically merge that information into all client documents. And that’s not all, TIPS MatMaster is fully customizable. You can adapt any of the forms to suit unique circumstances or your own language preferences. Your customized forms can be saved and re-used in the future. From intake forms such as Statement of Client Rights through Final Judgment, TIPS-MatMAster has it all: forms for intake, litigation, financial information, motions, discovery, sttlements, defaults, QDRO’s, and many others. Any of these documents can be prepared quickly, accurately, and without re-entry of repetitous information

  • Client Partnering

    Let your clients fill in the client intake information on their own computer and send it directly to you by email or on disk.TIPS-MatMaster™ seamlessly integrates client’s data into your forms!

  • Create your own forms

    This feature allows you to incorporate favorite clauses or even create customized interactive forms.

  • Word Processing Capabilities

    With TIPS-MatMaster , you can do all of your word processing quickly and easily without relying on other word processors or, if you prefer, you can export to MS Word or other word processing programs at any point.

  • Incredibly fast preparation of financial statements. Perfectly formatted... Instantly revised

    TIPS-MatMaster makes Statement of Net worth preparation easy, fast and accurate – we also provide the ability to record detailed file notes for every entry on the SNW. Mantenance worksheets are practically created for you as well as any CSSA calculations within Equity Position Statements.If any of the information changes, just type in the correction, and the entire document is recalculated and updated faster than you would have believed possible!In addition, you can automatically assemble individual schedules for assets, debts, and marital property/separate property which you can present to support your settlement positions and append to other documents.The software does all the math for you – including FICA, NYC and Yonkers income tax calculations – automatically.TIPS MatMaster makes it fast and easy. You can prepare professionally formatted CSSA Formula Worksheets that really make an impression in the courtroom. Flexibility allows you to apply a percentage formula to all income or to only the first $80,000. You can report income weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or annually.

  • Library of Annotations offers instant legal research to more than 50,000 annotations

    Our highly specialized Library is tightly organized and practice-centered. It is designed specifically for you as a New York Family law practitioner. The superior organization of the Library – unique to the MatLaw Library of Annotations – subdivides logical topical headings into more than 2,000 detailed sub-topics, making it simple for you to locate exactly what you are looking for easily and quickly without time-consuming and dead-end string searches. We have integrated nearly 50,000 case note annotations, statutory provisions and relevant court rules. And most importantly, we post weekly updates that provide new annotations and full-text decisions as they come down from the courts to keep you current in this dynamic practice area.

Training Videos

Begin New Case



Document Assembly

Statement of Net Worth

CSSA Calculations

Annotations & on going support