Divorce Economics Institute 2016

A Practical Review & Analysis of Selected Critical Financial Issues You Confront Day-In and Day-Out!!
How to Analyze a Financial Valuation Report With Direct and Cross-Examination Demonstrations!!!

Our morning session will deliver an intensive review and analysis of the ever-shifting, often cryptic, judicial decisions that so often leave us stumbling in a thick haze of confusion over the critical financial issues that you encounter in virtually every case, whether high-end or middle-income situations. Whether you try a lot of cases or settle almost all of them you need to master the critical financial concepts that dominate your practice. The afternoon session will turn to analysis of a financial valuation report. You will hear from John R. Johnson, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA, CVA, FABFA, one of the most experienced financial evaluators in the business. You will receive the sample report in advance of the seminar so you can analyze it yourself and then compare your analysis with Mr. Johnson’s detailed dissection of the report as he gives you a step-by-step approach that you can apply to your practice. You will then see how identified deficiencies play out in the courtroom through a demonstration of direct and cross-examination based on the report.

6 Professional credits + 1 Ethics credit (MUST purchase BOOK & AUDIO to receive credit.)

Worth every dollar you invest into the program. You will gain valuable cross-examination areas of the forensic expert in a custody evaluation case.Luke Scardigno, Queens



  • Marital and Separate Property: Recurrent Classification Problems
  • Presumptions and Burdens of Proof
  • Tracing Issues
  • Appreciation Analysis
  • Transmutation Doctrine
  •  Commingled Assets
  • Credits/Reimbursements to the Marital Estate
    Valuation Issues
  • Valuation Date Selection
  • Judicial Approaches to Methodology
  • Distribution Patterns & Trends
  • Recent Maintenance & Child Support Decisions


  • How to Analyze a Financial Valuation Report
  • Dissection of Sample Report
  • Trial Demonstration – Direct & Cross-Examinations

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Ninth inning, score tied, bases loaded, Tim hits a homerun-!

Jon Louis Wilson, Lockport

About The Authors

timTimothy Tippins Esq.

Timothy M. Tippins, Esq. is an adjunct professor at Albany Law School and serves on the faculty of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology and on the Affiliate Postdoctoral Forensic Faculty at St. John’s University. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor of Forensic Psychology at Siena College. He is a private practitioner who has engaged in matrimonial and family law practice since 1975 and devotes his practice exclusively to serving as trial counsel and consultant to other family law practitioners on a nationwide basis, with special emphasis on the presentation and cross-examination of expert mental health testimony. Tippins has served in all major professional leadership positions in the New York family law community, including President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers - New York Chapter, Chair of the NYSBA Family Law Section, and Chair of the NYSBA Task Force on Family Law. Tippins is a regular feature columnist for the New York Law Journal and is the author of the multi-volume treatise New York Matrimonial Law & Practice (West Publishing).

Company Name: MatLaw Systems Corp.
E-mail: tmtippins@matlaw.com

John R. JohnsonJohn R. Johnson, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA, CVA, FABFA

John Johnson’s extensive experience in the specialized areas of business valuation, litigation support, taxation, and law firm management, makes him uniquely qualified as Managing Partner of SaxBST’s highly regarded Valuation, Forensic and Litigation Group. John has developed a multi-state practice and has participated in over 2,000 litigation cases as a consulting and/or testifying expert. He has performed thousands of valuations of closely-held businesses, professional practices, and conducted numerous forensic analyses and economic damage studies for a wide range of civil litigation matters, with a concentration in matrimonial matters. John has been Court appointed over 500 times throughout New York State as a financial and valuation expert. John has successfully testified in support of his opinions on numerous occasions in State Supreme Court, Federal Court and in formal Arbitration proceedings. John is affiliated with numerous professional organizations, including membership in the New York State Society and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Estate Planning Council of Eastern New York, The Institute of Business Appraisers, National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, National Association of Forensic Economics, the Executive Committee of the Family Law Section of the New York Bar Association and Charter Member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation – Forensic & Business Valuation Division. John has lectured and authored extensively on such topics as business valuation, estate planning, accounting and taxation for many publications, professional organizations such as the AICPA, ASA, ABA and NYSBA, and for the NYS Office of Court Administration Judicial Training programs (“Judges School”).

Company Name: Johnson & Johnson
Website: http://bstco.com/
E-mail: jjohnson@saxbst.com


Ronald J. Bavero has been practicing in the field of matrimonial and family law for over twenty six years. Mr. Bavero is a highly experienced and respected trial attorney who has handled complex litigation in the various courts of this state. Presently, Mr. Bavero maintains a traditional matrimonial practice (The Law Offices of Ronald J. Bavero, LLC) and a Litigation Support Service Business (PREPMYCASE, LLC) through which he offers strategic litigation advice and trial preparation services to other attorneys handling matrimonial actions. Mr. Bavero has been listed in Super Lawyers as a top attorney in the New York Metro area in the years 2007 through 2015; Top Attorneys in Westchester (2007 through 2015); Martindale-Hubbell's AV Preeminent Rating; Who's Who in American Law and Who's Who in Legal Educators. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys and a  former member of the Executive Committee of the New York State Bar Association, Family Law Section,  former Co-Chair of the Family Law Section Committee on Judicial Relations and was the former Chair of the Westchester County Bar Association Family Law Committee.

E-mail: rbavero@baverolaw.com