Custody Assessment Analysis System Workbook – Revised (CAAS-R)


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Custody Assessment Analysis System Workbook-Revised (CAAS-R) by Dr. Jeffrey P. Wittmann is a companion tool for use with Evaluating Evaluations: An Attorney’s Handbook for Analyzing Child Custody Reports (Second Edition). In a clear, concise, structured, and comprehensive manner the CAAS-R workbook offers a step-by-step sequence of tasks for the practicing attorney to complete while analyzing a forensic custody report. The CAAS-R workbook is a tool for recording answers to a series of interrogatories about forensic reports that will help the attorney gradually crystalize a thorough analysis of the forensic document, an analysis that can then form the basis for effective cross-examination or client guidance about case-strategy. Armed with a completed analysis via the CAAS-R workbook, advocates for parents or children will be in a better position to discern whether a report should be considered adequately reliable or fatally flawed, toward the end of providing effective, informed advocacy for their client.
Note: This workbook is designed to be used in concert with the main Evaluating Evaluations book (which contains the annotations to professional guidelines, research, and other treatises).
Although originally designed to assist attorneys, evaluators and experts conducting peer-reviews have also come to rely on the CAAS-R workbook in their professional work.

FOR ATTORNEYS: Comprehensive, efficient, and persuasive analysis of custody evaluations.
FOR EVALUATORS: An organized guide for improving evaluation technique and report-sturdiness.
FOR PEER-REVIEWERS: A structured model for conducting thorough, fair, and effective reviews.